Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Review for test 2

Calasso: p. 209-212, the quadternity stories. These are the ones involved in the personality profile bit we talked about last Thursday. Zeus is thought, Athena is sensation, Demeter is intuition, and Dionysus is feeling. Also on p. 209 is the story of the abduction of Persephone, or Kore. There was mentioning of the triple goddess- the mother, the daughter, and the crone.
p. 225-226, story of Athena.
p. 244, Eleusis according to Calasso.
p.336, what is Homeric theology? It gives power to the visible.
p. 359, "Why do we suffer?", and "this is the work of the gods".
p. 383-391, definition of myth and the relationship between humans and gods.
  p.387, "a life in which the gods are not invited is not worth living". Cadmus founds Thebes and gave the Greeks the alphabet.

Eliade: Taurbolium, the Bachi Dionysus, Eleusinian Mysteries. Dr. Sexson said he'll check the list of what we were supposed to have covered from Eliade. Those were what we were able to name in class.

Our questions: What does spiritus mundi mean? spirit of the world/earth.
What two animals pulled the chariot at Cadmus and Harmony's wedding? a boar and a lion. This question was debated.
What country are the Nacirema from? America
Which of the three events in the Eleusinian mysteries was the origin of drama? the thing that was done. (diomonan=drama)
What is "the study of the soul"? psychology
P. 204 of Calasso? Persephone. This question was confusing at first, and Dr. Sexson said he would work on it, but Persephone is the answer.
What is the story of the origin of the judicial system? The story of Athena and Orestes.
What is the name of the night where women can do what they want to men without fear of retribution? Totetag (Day of Death in German)
What is the animal associated with the Taurbolium? the bull
What makes something sacred? we make things sacred through rituals.
Who is the real hero according to our instructor? We are, me is acceptable as an answer too.
James Joyce's novel covers the events of the ordinary day of an ordinary man, but who was it really about? Odysseus, don't cheat and use Ulysses.
According to W.B. Yeats history cycles, and starts with a bird visiting and empregnanting a woman.
What is the Greek image of the soul? a butterfly
Metis was eaten by Zeus and Athena was born. This is going to be rephrased into a question somehow.
Which word best describes a place carved out of the world? temenos, there was more to this question, but that is the gist of it.
Who is the god of the double doors? Dionysus. This lead to a discussion about dithyrambos which means twice, and that Dionysus was born twice.
What was said to end the Pagan world and initiate the religious age? The Great Pan is Dead.
What is the fundamental difference between gods and heros? Heros die.
How do you piss of a Fury? commit matricide (kill your mother), or a blood murder.
What is the religious signifigance of Cupid and Psyche? The psychological development of the female
Which ritual came up several times in the ritual presentations? the Karamundi rain making ceremony
What is the name of the girl who had a sandal thrown at her? Charila, this can be found on p. 163 of Calasso, and will be rephrased.
There was a question posed that was similar in clarity to the Persephone question. The answer is Antigone, and will have something to do with a play and fighting against something in society.
What term gave us the word senator? senex
What does archetype mean? Primordial images often arising from mythology
There may be a question refering to maypoles and other fertility rituals.
There may also be a question referring to the 22 point hero formula, most likely involving Oedipus.
In this class, what Christian ritual covered death and rebirth? baptism.
Why was Demeter putting the child in the fire? To make him immortal.
Who is the archetype of a "daddy's girl"? Athena

1 comment:

  1. Hey this is Stefanie Herrera, Mr. Sexson has yet to recieve my blog because it has not gotten through to him. Could you possibly get it to him?
