Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mythologies to an outsider: a poem

Some of you may have noticed that there was an extra person in class today. That was my friend Starly-Jazz Thoorsell, who asked if she could sit in on the class with me. I said sure, and this is what came of it. She requested that I change font colors to present it as it is written, sorry if some of you have a harder time reading this.

Look into my eyes see my soul see my hidden secrets
Discover what makes me tick  discover what sets me off
See me for who I truly am see me past my own worst enemy
Look past my self hatred and see me for who I truly am
I am not scared I am not evil I am not full of hate I am not
I am truly happy I am truly at peace in every wandering thoughts
I am truly at peace in my ever wandering heart in my ever wandering
I wander to understand life I wander to understand emotion
I wander to understand the many thoughts that pop into my mind
So look past my wall look past my defences look past what I allow show
Discover the beauty of my tears the beauty of my laugh as I let my
soul truly shine through the hate of this world
see the beauty of this hidden self see the beauty of this true person who I
never let out and learn to love the secrecy of this person who I only
let out when in love when I begin to trust whole heartedly
see me for me


  1. Theresa's Friend: Very nice poem. You would have enjoyed this class immensely. Perhaps you will take it in the future?
    The buffalo bone hunter

  2. Thank you. I will think of taking it one day it looked like an immensely interesting class.
