Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The beginning of the middle

With the middles we are talking about heroes, who are human and therefore mortal. We touched on the topic of Lord Raglan's 22 points, which I'll post in a secondary posting like the list of the Eliade readings. I have middles leading to muddles leading to labrynth leading to initiation. I use leading to because it's an arrow pointing to the next word in the list. I mean that they are synonyms. Rituals are things that we do, and we are to look up either a ritual or an initiation to present one week from Thursday like we presented our creation stories. I was hoping to do the hero story, because I already had mine picked out. We learned that the word drama comes from the word dramenon which is Greek for to do things. I have that rituals are very precise things. I didn't write any down but we had a discussion about secular (non-religious) rituals we do everyday. Jessica noted that she has a routine that has to occur before she can leave her house. I noted that I label my notes in the same fashion everyday, for every class. I also came up for having my to do list written in the upper left corner of my notes. I was then encouraged to read them in class. I nearly skipped over the countdown until the arrival of my deerstalker cap from Amazon.com. I felt that was overly nerdy of me, but it's not the first countdown I've held in my notes. We discussed religious rituals, mainly baptism. Dr. Sexson believes that the only true baptism is full-emersion. The majority of Christian churches do not follow this practice anymore. I know the Baptists do, but they are the only ones I'm sure do that. I don't even think the Catholic church does that anymore, please correct me if I'm wrong on that point. I find it interesting that I answer almost all of the religious questions, including how to start Confession which is something the Methodist church does not do. I almost started the Lord's prayer, and then we jumped to the Hail Mary, which I don't know. Only the Catholics use that one. Dr. Sexson was very clear that we are not human if we don't go through these rituals. Another one I have is I write in a journal every night before going to bed, and I only allow myself one side of one sheet of paper in the journal for the entire day. Sometimes it's easier to fill than others. We talked about how rituals are a representation of what we want. This is how drama started, with rituals to provide us with what we desired. The example we used in class was the idea of wanting a successful bear hunt, so we acted it out the way we wanted it to go. Homeopathy is the idea that like produces like. It was the last thing we touched on before breaking into our groups.

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