Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Test review

We had a very full class getting ready for our test on Thursday. From Eliade we need to understand Hainuwele, Apollo, Earth mother of all, Enume elish,and Hesiod's theogony. These along with the intro paragraph about the creation stories (to be found on Jill's and other's blogs), are the six things to know from From Primatives to Zen, or Eliade. Dr. Sexson was kind enough to give us the page numbers, and the things from those pages that are important in The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, or Calasso. On p.5 we need to remember the basket. The etiology of Athenian men's slim hips from p. 15. The story of tragedy, involving the song of the goats from p. 39. More etiology from p. 81, this time concerning Tiresias, and wether men or women have more pleasure with sex, he apparently gave the wrong answer to Hera and was blinded for the rest of eternity. We need to remember ate from p. 94, there are likely to be two questions on that. Inserted here is a note that we need to be able to define in illo tempore, acceptable answers are in the beginning/great time/dream time, or once upon a time. Megan's blog, along with p. 52 in Calasso brings us conviviality, rape, and indifference. Calasso tells us how it all came about on p. 176, where we need to know of Tantalus, Pelops, and that Agamemnon, and Menelaus were the big players for the Trojan War. We also need to remember the different types of creation stories. Then we got into our questions:
1) Which is the mother of the muses? Mnemosyne
2) What was Persephone doing when she was abducted? picking flowers (Narcissus flowers to be precise)
3) Who wrote the alegory of the cave? Plato (This one went through quite the discussion, and that is the simplest version of how that discussion ended.)
4) Who was always describes as decieftull and beautiful, and also considered a phantom? Helen (there was a brief mentioning of a description of Helen as "the face that could launch a thousand ships, but that won't be on the test).
5) Who was Europe named after? Europa (I actually have the word Deutsch written down, because that's what they still call the continent.)
6) Who arrives unexpected and possesses? Dionysus
7) What is the mythological root of enthusiasm? en theos, or god possessed
8) Who says "One more time, Athena, love me, as much as you can." ? Odysseus
9) Abduction is always followed by ____ in Calasso. metamorphosis (that makes more sense then how it is written down in my notes.)
10) Who was born from Uranus' testicles? Aphrodite (goddess of love, name means born of the foam.)
11) Who mothered the minotaur? Pasiphae
12) What means "tearing of limbs"? sparagmos
13) What (typically) follows sparagmos? omophagia
14) Great desire of the hero is? To return home
15) Define anamnesis. recollection, innate knowledge (this is a Plato thing)
16) Define apocalypse. to unveil (not to violently end the world, I don't know if any zombie references would do you any good)
17) Define Eschtology. The study of ends (we swear it's somewhere in our notes.)
18) What was in the labrynth? The minotaur
19) Who is the Destroyer of Delights? Death
20) This one is harder to write down because we got off on a tangent here. The origional question posed was what form did Zeus take to seduce Io? referencing the cloud incident. We then went off and listed pretty much every disguise that Zeuse ever used. I didn't write them all down but Andrew did, and is should all be up on his blog.
The reason the goddess of love part was added in paranthesis on the Uranus question is because we wanted to have another easy question (besides #5), and it was who is the goddess of love?

We were placed in our groups today, our group assignment thing is to describe the way in which myth can be found in everyday life, and we are encouraged to be creative. We were supposed to be given five minutes at the end to get into these groups and exchange contact information. As it is we got sidetracked with #20, and only got a minute to do this. My group (the 3s), simply made a list our names and contact info. One of us has the list, and will email it to the rest of us.

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