Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Double post day, post 1- class notes

This is Stefanie's blog site. Dr. Sexson apparently had issues getting this link:stefanieherrera-1991@blogspot.com

We got our tests back at the beginning of class. The first thing I have written down is that we truly have until next week to get The Magus done. We are to start blogging about it in earnest (for those of us who haven't) at that time. We are also either to write a paper about The Magus, or some other topic approved by Dr. Sexson. We watched the end of Dead Man, and a trailer for it that was really good. It's all on YouTube for those of you who didn't make it to class. We covered a bit about the Tibetian Book of the Dead which prescribed certain rituals to prepare for the journey to the afterlife. We mentioned The Swerve by Steven Greenblatt. It covers how an ancient manuscript (The Nature of Things) is rediscovered and it changes philosophy in the Renaissance era. Going back to Dead Man we discussed the quote "Where all the spirits come from and all the spirits return." That might not be an exact quote, but it's close enough. We mentioned that we have lost touch with myth and cannot perform certain things properly, like the proper way to handle a death. We defined eschatology as the ground (or study of) death and final matters We mentioned Metem psychosis which is the passing of the soul, in certain takes into another enity, or nothing ever dies. Then we covered parabolas, and not the mathmatical ones. We mean that which comes from the side as a form of attack against what we consider to be probable. This word of course lead to parable, and a discussion of the parables of Jesus. Specifically the story of Mary and Martha, though not a parable, did come up as important. Then we came to gesung is das sein, though we found it as gesung is das ein, I think it's sein, because it translates to singing is the being, or in better English "Song is life". The word ein in German simply means a or one. This is from the sonnets to Orpheus. We learned that cicadas were originally people who died because they became blind to anything but singing. Zeus decided that death would not be the end of their song, so he turned them into cicadas.

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