Friday, November 18, 2011

Group projects day 1

Group one: Jason, Jill, Zach M., Matthew, Christine
Group one did a "choose your own myth" powerpoint. This required class participation as we went around and chose what the character was doing. We came across several different myths, including the one where it seems that no matter what option you chose you ended up with Oedipus. We determined that there were about 4500 (according to Andrew) variations to the storylines dependant on the choices made. It was quite entertaining.

Group two: Sam, Tori, Justin, Madi (Zach B. was supposed to be in this group but I believe worked out something different with Dr. Sexson. I heard them discussing it before class started.)
Group two did a powerpoint where we matched celebrities with Greek gods/goddesses. We had Charlie Sheen as Dionysus, Micheal Phelps as Poseidon, Elizabeth Taylor as Aphrodite, Usain Bolt as Hermes, and Oprah Winfrey as Zeus. Then they moved on to stereotypes of people. We covered the Clintons and adultry, Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust, Andrew Jackson the war hero, Napoleon Bonaparte not the movie, and Marie Antoinette. The French never did like her, if I remember right her marriage to King Louis XVI was for political reasons. We also watched a great SNL skit where the gods were trying to figure out who was the God of Finances. It was quite hilarious. Dr. Sexson added a clip from Suddenly Last Summer which is an Elizabeth Taylor movie where there is a specific scene where she rises from the ocean, very much like Aphrodite.

Groups three and four present on Tuesday.

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