Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Group Presentations Day 3

Here's what we did in class today.
Group 5: Courtney, Parker, Lucy, Sherwood, Jennifer
They also did a movie. This was based off a wedding video that Jennifer did for a friend of hers. The actual filming and editing/producing was done by a friend of Courtney's who is a film major here. He got credited at the end, but I didn't quite catch the whole name. They told the story of Persephone in a very amusing way. Courtney was Persephone, who gets abducted by Hades (Parker). We cut back to the beginning where Hades asks Zeus (Sherwood) if he can have Persephone. Hermes (Lucy) sees Hades take Persephone and runs off to tell Demeter (Jennifer), who gets very mad and causes winter. She talks things over with Zeus and demands that there be a wedding. Hades demanded that there be something in writting to bind the marriage. They were also kind enough to provide us with popcorn.

Group 6: Kevin, Andy, Juniper, Wena, Lauren, and the Viking, who I would appreciate greatly if he'd leave his name, as I'm not sure of it.
With Quentin filling in the role of a body (Kyle Miller), we went through six different funerals without ever burying the body. We started with the Irish Wake lead by Andy. We used apple juice that group six provided for our toasts. Then Lauren came in with pirate/sea burials, she was interrupted by the Viking who covered their funeral rites. He in turn got interrupted by Kevin the cowboy who told us that cowboys used cedar coffins. Kevin the cowboy was interrupted by Wena who wanted a traditional Chinese funeral. She lead us in paying our respects by bowing to the deceased, and she "burned" some incense and money. She was interrupted by the arrival of Anubis (Juniper) who demanded that we mummify Kyle Miller and have a priest present to perform the correct prayers so that he may come alive in the afterlife. It ended with what appeared to be about everyone trying to either ensure that Kyle Miller was dead, or going on with their own rites all at once. In reference to one of the Viking rituals (where they kill a volunteer from the dead guy's harem, so she can go with him) we covered seti, or the Indian ritual where the wife of the deceased jumpes into the grave with him. Wena also noted that some people burn things other than paper money for the dead, such as paper cars.

1 comment:

  1. The Viking was Jerrod, who did a fantastic job (and made his own viking ship for the event).

    Ps, thanks for taking such great notes all semester Theresa!
